Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers : Feeding of Raw Materials at TNPL Cement Plant | MarketScreener

2022-07-01 20:26:58 By : Mr. Jerry Chao

Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited



Sub: Feeding of Raw Materials at TNPL Cement Plant

Tenders are hereby invited for the subject work as per the following terms and conditions.

Envisaged period of the contract shall be for One year from the date of award of contract. The scope of work and other terms & conditions shall be as per Annexure-I,II,III,IV & IVA.

Tender schedule will be in two parts viz., NON-PRICE BID & BUDGETARY PRICE BID and FIRM PRICE BID IN A SEALED COVER in two separate envelopes, both to be submitted together.

FIRM PRICE BID (Annexure-I C) should be submitted in a separate sealed cover (Cover `A') along with NON-PRICE BID (Annexure I A) & BUDGETARY PRICE BID (Annexure I B) in a separate cover (Cover `B'). Please write clearly on the top of the covers for "FIRM PRICE BID" and "NON-PRICE BID" with "BUDGETARY PRICE BID". Both the covers containing FIRM PRICE BID (Cover`A') and NON-PRICE BID with BUDGETARY PRICE BID (Cover `B') are to be put in one sealed cover (Cover `C') superscripting the tender No. and due date and addressed to Technical Outsourcing Dept., Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited, Kagithapuram, Karur Dt - 639 136.


The tenderer shall submit the following in Non-Price Bid

Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited

In the absence of any one of the documents indicated above, the tender shall be rejected summarily without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

Note: Tenders received not complying with the above qualifying conditions will be rejected and will not be eligible for participating in E-auction (Reverse Auction).

Once tender is submitted, tenderer cannot withdraw. Incase tenderer withdraws from tender on any day for any reason after submitting tender, EMD submitted shall be forfeited without any prejudice.

No information relating to this tender shall be released by the bidder or their employees / agencies whomsoever for publication, advertising or any other purpose without the prior written approval of TNPL.

Tenderer shall submit budgetary quote with individual item rate and total value of the tender. Reverse Auction will be conducted only with the total value item rate of tender for which "Opening Value of Tender" and "Minimum Bid Decrement Value" will be decided by TNPL.

After submitting the tender, tenderer will not be permitted to make changes to the unit rate indicated in their budgetary quote. Unit rate indicated by bidders in their budgetary quote will be taken as reference to apply percentage variation for item rate of the L1 Bidder emerged through Reverse Auction .

Both NON-PRICE BID and BUDGETARY PRICE BID shall not be opened in the presence of tenderer's representatives. TNPL shall follow E-Auction (Reverse Auction). Only those who qualify in Non-Price Bid and also submitted Budgetary Price Bid will be considered for Reverse Auction. Method and period of Reverse Auction will be communicated in advance to the qualified bidders to facilitate them to participate in Reverse Auction. TNPL will not be responsible for postal or any other delay and reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders at its own discretion.

Opening value of tender, Minimum Bid Decrement Rate, Date of Auction and Time of auction will be informed to the qualified Bidder for participating in Reverse Auction. Qualified Bidder may log on to our Website (www.tnpltenders.com ) and participate in the Reverse Auction. In case of any problem, please contact DGM (TOS & Disposals) at 04324- 277001 (Extn: 4268), 277266, Email: tos.u1@tnpl.co.in.

After "Reverse Auction", the "Firm Price Bid" of the qualified bidders shall be opened in the presence of interested bidders / their authorized representatives. The lowest of the two, viz., "Reverse Auction" and "Sealed Firm Price Bid" only will be considered for further action towards award of the contract. In this regard, TNPL's decision shall be final and binding.

Tenderers who had worked for TNPL and whose performance was bad / unsatisfactory / blacklisted within three (3) years will not be considered.

The offers of tenderers who do not satisfy the terms and conditions are liable for rejection and in such case, the EMD submitted if any, shall be returned, interest free, to the unsuccessful tenderers.

Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited

Tenderers who have downloaded tender document through TNPL website should submit a non-refundable tender fee for 590/- (i.e. 500/-+ GST @ 18%) drawn in favour of TNPL payable at Karur in the Non-Price Bid failing which tender will not be considered

TNPL will not entertain any request for adjusting the EMD from the tenderer's due / running bills or from the EMD / security deposit of any other tender participated by the tenderer.

Successful tenderer on issue of order shall pay a further security deposit of 65,000/- in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited, Kagithapuram payable at Karur. The Security deposit will not bear any interest and will be returned to the successful tenderer only on satisfactory compliance of the contract.

EMD shall be returned, interest free, to the unsuccessful tenderers within three months from the date of opening of Non-Price Bid & Budgetary Price Bid.

TNPL shall not be responsible for any delay/loss in transit or non-receipt of tender document.

TNPL reserves the right to

Before submitting the tender, tenderers are advised to visit the Site at Kagithapuram and contact

Tender consisting of both NON-PRICE BID (Annexure-I A), BUDGETARY PRICE BID (Annexure - I B) and "FIRM PRICE BID" (Annexure-I C) in a sealed cover is deemed for submission in the Technical Outsourcing Dept. not later than 3.00 PM of 12/07/2022.


Deputy General Manager (TOS & Disposals)

Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited

1.1. JCB for raw material handling inside the Cement Plant

1.2. Collection of wet sludge from LSFM lime mud filter return chute and

heaping in the storage shed up to a height of 3 Mtr.

1.3. Back feeding of wet sludge from storage to back feeding hopper in LSFM plant (Item code: 8335500984)

Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited

1.4. Raw Material feeding at LSFM Cement Plant by engaging JCB/FEL (Item code: 8335501019)

TNPL - Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd. published this content on 25 June 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 27 June 2022 11:13:51 UTC.