Intercem Engineering wins Cimasso II grinding plant project

2022-08-08 01:49:54 By : Mr. JIANCHAO XU

In May 2016 Intercem Engineering's third order out of five with the CimMetal Group’s 2Mta Cimasso grinding plant in Bobo Dioulasso started. The plant was commissioned by the end of 2018 and production started successfully. Due to a growing cement demand, the investor decided to double his capacity and ordered an extension line and an upgrade of the existing line from Intercem which will be integrated on the existing plant called Cimasso II.

Cimasso II consits of  three truck unloading stations, various raw material handling systems, a raw material hopper station and cement grinding plant with a vertical roller mill, four x 5400t cement silos, five 12-spout rotary packer units, 10 truck loading station and 10 weighing bridges, plus an upgrade of the existing cement grinding plant.

Intercem is in charge of the engineering, all mechanical and electrical plant components including steel construction/cladding with exclusively European equipment origin, the project management and is also responsible for the supervision activities for the civil, mechanical and electrical assembly works and commissioning of the plant.

New order: Cimasso II – Cement grinding plant extension Line II with VRM – 2.8Mta

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