Across the Obelisk is one of those games where there are thousands of things to unlock, among them Pets. So, let's go over how to obtain them all.
There are a ton of different unlocks to be found in Dreamsite Games' Across the Obelisk. This underrated deckbuilding roguelike game is built for replayability from the ground up, after all. When it was in Early Access there was a lot of content, but the full release version of the game has more the double the amount. One aspect of the game that you roguelike fanatics will likely love is figuring out how to unlock all the Pets.
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There are over 15 different Pets in the game, with each one needing some convoluted questline to be completed in order to be unlocked. So, let's go into how you're supposed to obtain these "adorable" things in Across The Obelisk, one by one.
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Jacob Buchalter is a writer and gaming dweeb based in Arizona. He’s the type to get irrationally obsessed with anything related to gaming, animation, art, manga, and anime. And while he isn’t the argumentative type, he sure is stubborn about dumb details in shows and games from 5+ years ago.