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NOV has received a consensus rating of Hold. The company's average rating score is 1.92, and is based on 3 buy ratings, 5 hold ratings, and 4 sell ratings.
According to analysts' consensus price target of $19.36, NOV has a forecasted upside of 9.6% from its current price of $17.66.
NOV has been the subject of 6 research reports in the past 90 days, demonstrating strong analyst interest in this stock.
NOV has received 1,039 “outperform” votes. (Add your “outperform” vote.)
NOV has received 589 “underperform” votes. (Add your “underperform” vote.)
NOV has received 63.82% “outperform” votes from our community.
MarketBeat's community ratings are surveys of what our community members think about NOV and other stocks. Vote “Outperform” if you believe NOV will outperform the S&P 500 over the long term. Vote “Underperform” if you believe NOV will underperform the S&P 500 over the long term. You may vote once every thirty days.
NOV pays a meaningful dividend of 1.17%, higher than the bottom 25% of all stocks that pay dividends.
NOV does not have a long track record of dividend growth.
Based on earnings estimates, NOV will have a dividend payout ratio of 23.81% next year. This indicates that NOV will be able to sustain or increase its dividend.
In the past three months, NOV insiders have not sold or bought any company stock.
Only 1.59% of the stock of NOV is held by insiders.
93.94% of the stock of NOV is held by institutions. High institutional ownership can be a signal of strong market trust in this company.
Earnings for NOV are expected to grow by 162.50% in the coming year, from $0.32 to $0.84 per share.
The P/E ratio of NOV is -36.79, which means that its earnings are negative and its P/E ratio cannot be compared to companies with positive earnings.
The P/E ratio of NOV is -36.79, which means that its earnings are negative and its P/E ratio cannot be compared to companies with positive earnings.
NOV has a P/B Ratio of 1.38. P/B Ratios below 3 indicates that a company is reasonably valued with respect to its assets and liabilities.
12 Wall Street research analysts have issued "buy," "hold," and "sell" ratings for NOV in the last twelve months. There are currently 4 sell ratings, 5 hold ratings and 3 buy ratings for the stock. The consensus among Wall Street research analysts is that investors should "hold" NOV stock. A hold rating indicates that analysts believe investors should maintain any existing positions they have in NOV, but not buy additional shares or sell existing shares. View analyst ratings for NOV or view top-rated stocks.
NOV is scheduled to release its next quarterly earnings announcement on Tuesday, July 26th 2022. View our earnings forecast for NOV.
NOV Inc. (NYSE:NOV) issued its earnings results on Thursday, April, 28th. The oil and gas exploration company reported ($0.13) earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of ($0.06) by $0.07. The oil and gas exploration company earned $1.55 billion during the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $1.53 billion. NOV had a negative net margin of 3.18% and a negative trailing twelve-month return on equity of 2.54%. View NOV's earnings history.
NOV declared a quarterly dividend on Wednesday, March 2nd. Investors of record on Friday, March 11th will be given a dividend of $0.05 per share on Friday, March 25th. This represents a $0.20 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 1.13%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, March 10th. View NOV's dividend history.
NOV pays an annual dividend of $0.20 per share and currently has a dividend yield of 1.17%. View NOV's dividend history.
12 equities research analysts have issued 1 year target prices for NOV's stock. Their forecasts range from $15.00 to $26.00. On average, they expect NOV's share price to reach $19.36 in the next twelve months. This suggests a possible upside of 9.6% from the stock's current price. View analysts' price targets for NOV or view top-rated stocks among Wall Street analysts.
667 employees have rated NOV CEO Clay C. Williams on Clay C. Williams has an approval rating of 63% among NOV's employees. This puts Clay C. Williams in the bottom 25% of approval ratings compared to other CEOs of publicly-traded companies.
Some companies that are related to NOV include Schlumberger (SLB), Halliburton (HAL), TechnipFMC (FTI), RPC (RES), Oceaneering International (OII), Dril-Quip (DRQ), Tidewater (TDW), Helix Energy Solutions Group (HLX), TETRA Technologies (TTI), Oil States International (OIS), Newpark Resources (NR), Natural Gas Services Group (NGS), Matrix Service (MTRX), Forum Energy Technologies (FET) and Geospace Technologies (GEOS). View all of NOV's competitors.
Based on aggregate information from My MarketBeat watchlists, some companies that other NOV investors own include Schlumberger (SLB), Bank of America (BAC), Gilead Sciences (GILD), Halliburton (HAL), Intel (INTC), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), Exxon Mobil (XOM), Ford Motor (F), JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and General Electric (GE).
NOV trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker symbol "NOV."
NOV's stock is owned by a variety of retail and institutional investors. Top institutional shareholders include Pzena Investment Management LLC (9.82%), Vanguard Group Inc. (9.71%), BlackRock Inc. (9.25%), First Eagle Investment Management LLC (8.63%), Van ECK Associates Corp (2.30%) and Dimensional Fund Advisors LP (2.10%). Company insiders that own NOV stock include Eric L Mattson and Scott K Duff. View institutional ownership trends for NOV.
NOV stock was sold by a variety of institutional investors in the last quarter, including Pzena Investment Management LLC, Contrarius Investment Management Ltd, American Century Companies Inc., Thompson Siegel & Walmsley LLC, Wedge Capital Management L L P NC, SG Americas Securities LLC, Border to Coast Pensions Partnership Ltd, and Russell Investments Group Ltd.. View insider buying and selling activity for NOV or view top insider-selling stocks.
NOV stock was purchased by a variety of institutional investors in the last quarter, including Lord Abbett & CO. LLC, Polaris Capital Management LLC, BlackRock Inc., New York State Common Retirement Fund, Van ECK Associates Corp, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP, Vanguard Group Inc., and Strs Ohio. View insider buying and selling activity for NOV or or view top insider-buying stocks.
Shares of NOV can be purchased through any online brokerage account. Popular online brokerages with access to the U.S. stock market include WeBull, Vanguard Brokerage Services, TD Ameritrade, E*TRADE, Robinhood, Fidelity, and Charles Schwab. Compare Top Brokerages Here.
One share of NOV stock can currently be purchased for approximately $17.66.
NOV has a market capitalization of $6.94 billion and generates $5.52 billion in revenue each year. The oil and gas exploration company earns $-250 million in net income (profit) each year or ($0.48) on an earnings per share basis.
NOV employs 27,043 workers across the globe.
The following companies are subsidiares of NOV: APL France SAS, APL Norway AS, APL do Brasil Ltda., ASEP Otomotiv Sanayi Ticaret Ltd., Acker Holdings LLC, Ackerman Holdings C.V., Ackerman Holdings GP LLC, Advanced Production and Loading, Advanced Wirecloth S. de R.L. de C.V., American Pipe and Construction International, Ameron B.V., Ameron International, Ameron International Corporation, Ameron Pole Products LLC, Ameron Polyplaster Industria E Comercio de Tubos Ltda., Ameron Singapore Holding LLC, Andergauge Limited, Andergauge Redback LLC, Arabian Rig Manufacturing Company, Big Red Tubulars Limited, Bondstrand Ltd., Brandt Oilfield Services (M) Sdn. Bhd., C.M.A. Canavera S.R.L., CJSC Fidmash, CJSC Novmash, Chemineer Inc., Coil Services Middle East LLC, Coöperatie Intelliserv Holding U.A., Coöperatie NOV NL U.A., Danco AS, Elmar Far East Pty Ltd, Enerflow Industries, Environmental Procedures LLC, Fiber Glass Systems (Qingdao) Composite Piping Co. Ltd., Fiber Glass Systems L.P., Fiber Glass Systems Oman L.L.C., Fiberspar, Fiberspar Australia Pty. Ltd., Fibra Ingenieria y Construccion S.A., FidService LLC, Fjords Processing (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Fjords Processing AS, Fjords Processing Australia Pty Ltd, Fjords Processing France SAS, Fjords Processing Korea Co. Ltd., Fjords Processing Limited, Fjords Processing Middle East DMCC, Fjords Processing UK Ltd., Fryma S.a.r.l., GPEX L.P., Grant Prideco (Jiangsu) Drilling Products Co. Ltd, Grant Prideco (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Grant Prideco III C. V., Grant Prideco Inc., Grant Prideco Jersey Limited, Grant Prideco Mauritius Limited, Grant Prideco Netherlands B.V., Grant Prideco PC Composites Holdings LLC, Grant Prideco S. de R.L. de C.V., Grant Prideco de Venezuela S.A., GustoMSC B.V., Hebei Huayouyiji Tuboscope Coating Co. Ltd., Hydralift AmClyde Inc., Hydralift France SAS, Inspecciones y Pruebas No Destructivas S. de R.L. de C.V., IntelliServ Norway AS, Intelliserv GP Holdings LLC, Intelliserv Inc., Intelliserv International Holding Ltd, Intelliserv LLC, JiangYin Tuboscope Tubular Development Co. Ltd, Keystone Tower Systems Inc., MSI Pipe Protection Technologies UK Limited, Merpro Group Limited, Midsund Bruk AS, Mono Group Pension Trustees Limited, Mono Pumps New Zealand Company, Monoflo NOV S.A.I.C., Moyno Inc., NKT Flexibles I/S, NOV (Asia) Inc., NOV (Barbados) Holding SRL, NOV (Barbados) SRL, NOV (Caymans) Ltd., NOV (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., NOV - Oil Services Angola LDA., NOV APL Limited, NOV Africa Pty Ltd, NOV Australia Pty Ltd, NOV Azerbaijan LLC, NOV Brandt Europe France, NOV Brandt Oilfield Services Middle East LLC, NOV CAPS Pte. Ltd., NOV CV1 GP LLC, NOV CV2 GP LLC, NOV Canada ULC, NOV Completion Tools LLC, NOV Completion and Production Solutions Korea Ltd., NOV Denmark Coöperatief U.A., NOV Downhole Argentina LLC, NOV Downhole Bolivia S.R.L., NOV Downhole Colombia LLC, NOV Downhole Comercialização de Equipamentos para Petroleo Ltda., NOV Downhole Congo LLC, NOV Downhole Eurasia Limited, NOV Downhole Italia S.R.L., NOV Downhole Kazakhstan LLC, NOV Downhole Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., NOV Downhole Pty Ltd, NOV Downhole Thailand LLC, NOV EU Acquisition SNC, NOV Elmar (Middle East) Limited, NOV Eurasia Holding LLC, NOV Expatriate Services Inc., NOV FGS Malaysia Sdn Bhd, NOV FGS Singapore (Pte.) Ltd, NOV Flexibles Equipamentos E Servicos Ltda., NOV Flexibles Holding ApS, NOV Fluid Control B.V., NOV GEO GP LLC, NOV GEO LP1 C.V., NOV GEO LP1 LLC, NOV GEO LP2 C.V., NOV GEO LP2 LLC, NOV Gabon SARL, NOV Germany GmbH, NOV Germany Holding GmbH, NOV Ghana Limited, NOV Grant Prideco Drilling Equipment Manufacturing LLC, NOV Grant Prideco Drilling Products Middle East FZE, NOV Grant Prideco L.L.C., NOV Holding Danmark ApS, NOV Holding Sub UK 1 Limited, NOV Holding UK 1 Limited, NOV Holding UK 2 Limited, NOV Holdings B.V., NOV India Private Limited, NOV Intelliserv UK Limited, NOV International Holdings C.V., NOV International Holdings GP LLC, NOV International Holdings LLC, NOV Intervention & Stimulation Equipment US LLC, NOV Intervention and Stimulation Equipment – Aftermarket Comércio de Equipamentos e Serviços Ltda., NOV Kenya Limited, NOV Kostroma LLC, NOV Kuwait Light & Heavy Equipment Repairing & Maintenance Co., NOV LP (Trading) LLC, NOV MFG India Private Limited, NOV Mexico Holding LLC, NOV Middle East FZCO, NOV Mozambique Limitada, NOV NL Mexico Holding B.V., NOV Oil & Gas Services Egypt (S.A.E), NOV Oil & Gas Services Sénégal S.A.R.L., NOV Oil & Gas Services Uganda Limited, NOV Oil and Gas Services Ghana Limited, NOV Oil and Gas Services Namibia (Proprietary) Limited, NOV Oil and Gas Services Nigeria Limited, NOV Oil and Gas Services South Africa (Pty) Limited, NOV Oilfield Services Tanzania Limited, NOV Oilfield Services Vostok LLC, NOV Oilfield Solutions Ltd., NOV Park II B.V., NOV Process & Flow Technologies AS, NOV Process & Flow Technologies Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., NOV Process & Flow Technologies Pte. Ltd., NOV Process & Flow Technologies UK Limited, NOV QFZ LLC, NOV Rig Solutions Pte. Ltd., NOV Romania LLC, NOV Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd., NOV Saudi Arabia Trading Co., NOV Services Ltd., NOV Servicios de Personal Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., NOV Tanajib Kuwait for Services and Maintenance of Oil Rigs Refineries and Petrochemicals W.L.L., NOV Tuboscope Italia S.R.L., NOV Tuboscope Middle East LLC, NOV Tuboscope NL B.V., NOV Tubulars and Connectors Ltd., NOV UK (Angola Acquisitions) Limited, NOV UK Finance Limited, NOV UK Holdings LLC, NOV UK Holdings Limited, NOV UK Korea LP, NOV Wellbore Technologies Norway LLC, NOV Wellbore Technologies do Brasil Equipamentos E Serviços Ltda., NOV Wellsite Services Germany GmbH, NOV Worldwide B.V., NOV-BLM SAS, NOVM Holding LLC, NOW International LLC, NOW Nova Scotia Holdings LLC, NOW Oilfield Services LLC, NQL Holland B.V., National Oilwell (U.K.) Limited, National Oilwell Algerie, National Oilwell Varco (Beijing) Investment Management Co. Ltd., National Oilwell Varco (Thailand) Ltd., National Oilwell Varco Algeria, National Oilwell Varco Almansoori Services, National Oilwell Varco Bahrain WLL, National Oilwell Varco Belgium SA, National Oilwell Varco Denmark I/S, National Oilwell Varco Egypt LLC, National Oilwell Varco Eurasia LLC, National Oilwell Varco Guatemala Limitada, National Oilwell Varco Guyana Inc., National Oilwell Varco Hungary Limited Liability Company, National Oilwell Varco Korea Co. Ltd., National Oilwell Varco L.P., National Oilwell Varco MSW S.A., National Oilwell Varco Mexico S.A. de C.V., National Oilwell Varco Muscat L.L.C., National Oilwell Varco Norway AS, National Oilwell Varco Peru S.R.L., National Oilwell Varco Petroleum Equipment (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., National Oilwell Varco Poland Sp.z.o.o., National Oilwell Varco Pte. Ltd., National Oilwell Varco Rig Equipment Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., National Oilwell Varco Romania S.R.L., National Oilwell Varco Solutions S.A. de C.V., National Oilwell Varco UK Limited, National Oilwell Varco Ukraine LLC, National Oilwell Varco de Bolivia S.R.L., National Oilwell Varco de Chile - Servicios Limitada, National Oilwell Varco do Brasil Ltda., National Oilwell de Venezuela C.A., National-Oilwell Pte. Ltd., National-Oilwell Pty. Ltd., PT Fjords Processing Indonesia, PT H-Tech Oilfield Equipment, PT NOV Oilfield Services, PT National Oilwell Varco, PT PROFAB INDONESIA, Pesaka Inspection Services SDN.BHD., Pipex Limited, Pipex PX Limited, Pridecomex Holding S. de R.L. de C.V., R&M Energy Systems Australia Pty Ltd, R&M Energy Systems de Argentina S.A., R&M Energy Systems de Venezuela C.A., R&M Singapore Holding LLC, RE.MAC.UT. S.r.l., RHI Holding LLC, ReedHycalog International Holding LLC, ReedHycalog L.P., ReedHycalog LLC, ReedHycalog UK Limited, Robannic Overseas Finance A.V.V., Robbins & Myers B.V., Robbins & Myers Foundation, Robbins & Myers GP LLC, Robbins & Myers Holdings LLC, Robbins & Myers Holdings UK Limited, Robbins & Myers Inc., Robbins & Myers Italia S.R.L., Robbins & Myers N.V., Rodic S.A. de C.V., Romaco S.a.r.l., STAR Sudamtex Tubulares S.A., STSA, Screen Manufacturing Company Unlimited, Slip Clutch Systems Limited, South Seas Inspection, Subseaflex Holding ApS, T-3 Energy Preferred Industries Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., T-3 Energy Services Cayman Holdings Ltd., T-3 Energy Services Cayman Ltd., T-3 Energy Services LLC, T-3 Energy Services Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., T-3 Investment Corporation IV, T-3 Mexican Holdings Inc., Telluride Insurance Limited, Tianjin Grant TPCO Drilling Tools Company Limited, Tuboscope & Co. LLC, Tuboscope (Holding U.S.) LLC, Tuboscope Brandt de Venezuela S.A., Tuboscope Norge AS, Tuboscope Vetco (France) SAS, Tuboscope Vetco (Österreich) GmbH, Tuboscope Vetco Capital Limited, Tuboscope Vetco Moscow CJSC, Tuboscope Vetco de Argentina S.A., Tubular Coatings Solutions Ltd., Tucom Composites Polyester Sanayi Ticaret Ltd., Urban WLY LP, Varco BJ B.V., Varco CIS LLC, Varco International de Venezuela C.A., Varco L.P., Varco US Holdings LLC, Vetco Enterprise GmbH, Vetco Saudi Arabia Ltd., Visible Assets Inc., Wilson International, Woolley Inc., XL Systems Antilles N.V., XL Systems Europe B.V., XL Systems International Inc., voestalpine Tubulars Corporation, voestalpine Tubulars GmbH, and voestalpine Tubulars GmbH & Co KG.
The official website for NOV is
NOV is headquartered at 7909 PARKWOOD CIRCLE DRIVE, HOUSTON TX, 77036.
NOV's mailing address is 7909 PARKWOOD CIRCLE DRIVE, HOUSTON TX, 77036. The oil and gas exploration company can be reached via phone at (713) 375-3700, via email at [email protected] , or via fax at 713-375-3994.
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