Two small oil sheen incidents were reported last week, including one in St. George’s Harbour and another in Dockyard.
A Bermuda Maritime Operations Centre spokesperson said, “On Friday 5th August, 11:20am, a light oil sheen in St. George’s Harbour was reported and found to originate from construction work at Ordnance Island. On investigation it was found that a small amount of hydraulic oil had leaked from the crane barge. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources were advised; no further assistance was required.
“On Thursday 4th August, 11:20am, the passenger ship Norwegian Joy reported an oily sheen on the water close to the ship while alongside in Dockyard. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources followed up on the incident and found it most likely resulted from a small amount of fuel being spilt while a boat was taking bunkers in Dockyard. The sheen soon dissipated without the need for a clean up response.”
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