Among the seriousness in Stranger Things, it is nice to remember Eleven's iconic food of choice is Eggo, as expressed in these memes.
Following the recent release of Stranger Things season 4, fans are already wondering what is coming next for the characters in the next season. The audience is especially wondering how the show will continue to explore and develop Eleven's character, who has been a prominent character since the beginning
When she was younger, Eleven was timid and struggled to control her powers while trying to understand the world. Now that she's an older teenager, she's still struggling but is more confident with herself. Among all of the seriousness, it's nice to remember fun aspects of the show like El loving Eggos, as referenced in these memes.
Eleven has many quotes that reflect her character as strong, lovable, and intriguing. However, she also has some characteristics that remind fans, that despite her unique abilities, she's still human. When Mike first finds her wandering around the woods, he takes her home and feeds her, clothes her, and shelters her.
One of the first things she is given to eat is Eggos. After having the frozen waffles, she couldn't get enough of the treat. It's easy to remember all of her extraordinary characteristics, but it's a cute detail to remember that she's still a kid that enjoys the simple pleasure in life, like Eggos.
One of the saddest things about Eleven's story is her losing her surrogate father, Hopper. Before Jim Hopper, all she had was a terrible man she called Papa (Dr. Brenner) that used her to study and control her powers. With Hopper, El was able to develop a somewhat normal family dynamic and live the life of a regular teenager.
Jim Hopper is a complex character, as this meme reminds viewers. However, he has many redeeming qualities. He is a fierce protector and prepared to make sacrifices for the people he cares about. It's clear as he takes care of El and tries to protect her from the Hawkins scientists and the military that he cares for her as any other parent would. There are many adorable scenes between the father and daughter, but one memorable one is when Hopper tries to make a stack of wildly topped waffles to cheer her up.
Eleven is many things, but her heroism shines through when she tries to protect those she cares about. Though there are many unpopular opinions about Eleven, such as she has no character growth, most fans of the show appreciate seeing how the young girl adapts to normal society after being kept in a lab her whole life.
This meme is a humorous representation of El's fierce nature. This creator was able to combine the lovable quality of El's favorite food being Eggos and one of her most badass scenes. If there's one thing to take away from this meme, it's that Eleven cares about her friends at least as much as she enjoys her waffles.
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Eleven has some of the best quotes in the series, including the line when she tells Hopper she's "halfway happy" when he tells her she can't go out on Halloween, but instead they'll have a fun night in. These cute lines remind fans that she isn't a normal kid, but wishes to be one.
This meme suggests that even though Eleven is very different from the average person, she can still be relatable. If fans had to guess which midnight snack El would be sneaking out into the kitchen to grab, it would likely be her beloved Eggos. While the average Joe doesn't have enough power to open and close doors to other dimensions, fans can relate to having that favorite snack they get a hankering for.
Throughout the four seasons of Stranger Things, there has been a lot of growth seen in Eleven's character. Though she still feels like a bit of an outcast, and will likely never fit in completely within the human world, as she gets older she resembles more of an average teenager.
There is a prediction among fans that the next season will once again age up the central group. If that turns out to be the case, it would be interesting to see the decisions El makes out in the world as an adult (or almost adult). This meme is a humorous take on Eleven loving Eggos as a kid, but it makes fans wonder if she'll have some of the same habits as she gets older.
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Before Eleven had the unique family dynamic first with Hopper and then with the Byer's family, she had her friends and Mike. Throughout the seasons there have been multiple times in which the characters are seen eating Eggos, which is a cute callback to when Eleven first came into their lives.
This meme is funny because it not only combines Stranger Things with the classic alien movie E.T., but it seeks to lighten the seriousness of the series with a reference to one of the most iconic funny aspects. It may seem cruel to compare Eleven to an alien, but her strangeness is one of the aspects that initially entices her friends.
Next: Eleven's Clothing Evolution On Stranger Things
Jordan is a graduate student currently enrolled in a Popular Fiction and Publishing program. She is an adamant reader but enjoys watching TV and movies as much as opening a good book. Analyzing media is a quirky pastime Jordan has turned into a passionate hobby.