Within a year or so, with the launch of the “Grace” Arm server CPUs, it will not be heresy for anyone at Nvidia to believe, or to say out loud, that not every workload in the datacenter needs to have GPU acceleration.
In a way, with the adoption of the BlueField line of Arm-based DPU
By David Iaconangelo | 03/18/2022 07:14 AM EDT
At ports like this one in Los Angeles, U.S. customs officials have detailed solar components linked to forced labor in China. Ringo Chiu via AP
The federal crackdown on China’s alleged forced labor abuses is spurring starkly d
By David Iaconangelo | 03/18/2022 07:14 AM EDT
At ports like this one in Los Angeles, U.S. customs officials have detailed solar components linked to forced labor in China. Ringo Chiu via AP
The federal crackdown on China’s alleged forced labor abuses is spurring starkly d
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Tadano will begin to harmonize all its GTC crane model names worldwide by adapting to the nomenclature used in the American market.
Accordingly, model names in the US will not change.
The following model nomenclature updates for products sold outside the American market will take p
CHINA GROVE — The town council has passed a 2022-23 fiscal year budget that raises the property tax rate by 2 cents.
Town Manager Ken Deal said “nobody wanted” to raise the tax rate, but an increase was unavoidable due to rising operational costs. Deal added that the potential tax
The trailing suction hopper dredge has a hopper capacity of 8,550 cubic yards and is being built at ESG’s Allanton Shipyard.
Eastern Shipbuilding Group (ESG) has launched a 356ft trailing suction hopper dredge called R.B. WEEKS, which was built for Weeks Marine.
The new trailing
A cement plant in the UAE faced a major incident in February 2022 that caused severe damage in the journal bearings and roller supports in the middle tyre of the kiln.
At very short notice, Arab Swiss Engineering Company (ASEC) addressed the damage. A team of experts from ASEC sta
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A GR-1000XL is the latest rough terrain donated by Tadano since 1991.
Japanese manufacturer Tadano has donated its third rough terrain crane to the people of Easter Island, 4,000 miles off the coast of Chile.
Tadano first gave the islanders a rough terrain