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A member of the public alerted Riverkeeper’s Watchdog staff to a precarious situation. With an Osprey nest under construction at an active manufacturing plant, New York State DEC responded to help the residents find a more suitable home.
Riverkeeper’s Watchdog staff takes a range of reports and questions from the public, whose eyes and ears on the river and its tributaries are a critical conduit to help monitor environmental conditions on the water.
We were recently alerted by a member of the public that two Osprey had been building their nest atop a crane at a manufacturing facility in northern Westchester County.
With plant managers relying on the machine to run their business, there were concerns about what could be done for the nesting raptors if the crane were to be operated or moved with nest building underway.
Osprey make their homes only in the most uniquely suitable locations along the water. The machinery, with its steel boom rising high over the water, would have seemed like the perfect location for the birds. Osprey are unique among North American birds of prey for their diet, consisting of live fish caught by diving directly into the water, feet first, and grabbing the fish from below the surface with their sharp talons.
Riverkeeper notified the appropriate contacts within the Department of Environmental Conservation. An officer visited the site, sharing their expertise with plant personnel and determining that the nest was in the early stages of construction and contained no eggs or chicks. The majestic birds were gently coaxed from atop the crane to ensure they were not harmed and would have the opportunity to find a more suitable place to nest.
It was a great example of working together to ensure the best possible outcome for these special creatures, with industry, concerned citizens and agency partners sharing their knowledge and concern for these vulnerable residents.
Watchdog reports from community members are an integral part of Riverkeeper’s efforts. All Watchdog reports are confidential, and we will not share your name or contact information without your permission. Find out how to send a report, and what to look for, by visiting Riverkeeper’s Watchdog page,
Join us in asking the Environmental Protection Agency to weigh in and reject the regulatory rollback.
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20 Secor Road Ossining, New York 10562