Whether you're new to Discovery's "Deadliest Catch" or have been a longtime fan, it's obvious that every single captain on the featured fishing boats have one main goal in common: to make a profit. And even before setting off on the Bering Sea, these captains go through a myriad of financial gambles necessary to achieve a successful fishing season. The leaders of these fishing teams must deal with big expenses to make sure that each member of the crew receives their well-earned money when all is said and done.
Crab boats captains must make sure they are fully equipped to catch their quota in time and meet the delivery dates. Initial expenses such as equipment, bait, and boat maintenance are just a few examples on the endless invoice that throws the vessels' accounting books into the red before one pot is even tossed into the sea. The preparation acts as a gamble, with these captains betting on the hope that the catch will be plentiful enough to pay the crew's salary.
With so many unknown factors waiting for them out in the Bering sea, along with the uncertainty of how much sea life-product will be brought in, experiencing an avoidable expense is the last thing a captain wants ... especially when that expense is a direct result of a deckhand's lack of effort. This is why it was not surprising when captain Sean Dwyer showed his frustrations after a very avoidable $2,000 loss.
Discovery tells us that Sean Dwyer became the youngest captain in the fleet when he took over the vessel, Brenna A. Starting with shadowing his captain father, Dwyer has proven himself to be a fully capable fishing boat captain. His firsthand experience as a deckhand helps Dwyer know what level of effort is required for the whole crew to be successful. That's why when deckhand Willie Manchester dropped a $2,000 pot to the bottom of the sea, Dwyer knew the mishap could've been avoided.
The incident occurred when the Brenna A was pulling up a string of cod fish pots. Until this point, based on the crew's cheers, these pots had been bringing up a decent bounty. Then Manchester, who has been a deckhand of the Brenna A since 2016, put in a nonchalant effort while pulling up a pot. Adding the pot's rope to the wheel of the hydraulic crane takes precise timing, and Manchester found himself a step or two behind. This delay resulted in the rope getting snagged under the boat, eventually snapping, sending the $2,000 pot to the bottom of the Bearing Sea.
With no chance of recovery, captain Dwyer clearly holds back his frustrations in front of the camera with a dry, "That's 2,000 bucks, thanks, Will." Not only was a brand new pot lost, but the bounty of codfish within it also slipped through the captain's fingers. That's pretty significant with the retail price of this fish on the rise. And although this mishap is just part of the fishing experience, it still stings, especially when the financial loss is a direct result from one individual's lack of effort.